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NestJs Essentials Course | Become the backend engineer companies want to hire
Section 1: Introduction
Course Introduction (1:41)
Why NestJs (5:01)
Section 2: Getting Started
Course Materials & Discord access
Installation & running (3:54)
NestJs Architecture (4:25)
Configure VsCode (4:28)
Section 3: Creating Auth Module
Create Auth Controller (8:14)
Add Auth Service (6:53)
Add Auth DTO (17:41)
Section 4: Setting up a Database
What is Prisma (5:24)
Installing Prisma (9:06)
Setting up PostgreSQL with Docker (10:16)
Adding Prisma Module & Prisma Service (10:01)
Section 5: Auth Module Logic
Writing Auth module business logic (11:32)
Section 6: Adding Sessions
Adding Session Middleware (19:04)
Adding Session Guard (19:40)
Adding Metadata Decorator (11:29)
Section 6: Expense Module
Creating Expense Module (5:45)
Adding Expense business logic (10:36)
Adding Expense controller (12:17)
Section 7: Validations
Adding Validations (10:26)
Section 8: Scaling Techniques
Introduction to Scaling (1:45)
Adding Pagination (21:19)
Adding Caching (6:22)
Scaling Sessions with Redis (8:28)
Scaling Caching with Redis (4:09)
Adding Config Module (9:05)
Section 9: Cronjobs & Role Based Authorization (RBAC)
Introduction to Cronjobs (2:48)
Adding NestJs Scheduler (7:22)
Implementing Cronjobs (7:00)
Implementing Role Based Authorization (RBAC) (10:32)
Section 10: Unit Testing
Introduction to Testing (5:37)
Testing our First Unit (14:08)
Introduction to Mocking (8:10)
Improving Mocks (4:24)
Mocking Dependency Injection (11:37)
Introduction to Stubs (6:59)
Using Jest Automocking (3:58)
Review of the Project for Unit Testing (9:32)
Testing the Scheduler Service (9:10)
Section 11: E2E Testing
Introduction to End-to-End testing (1:41)
Running the first e2e test (13:50)
Implementing database teardown logic (14:19)
Testing authentication logic (10:26)
Testing expense endpoints logic (20:19)
Section 12: Deployment in production
Preparing project for production (2:00)
Deploying on a manged cloud (Render) (15:03)
Deploying on a VPS with Github Actions (34:40)
Adding NestJs Scheduler
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